I am sure there were other things that I wanted to address, but I can't remember. of Office 365 for Mac, which includes Excel for Mac (version 16.53). it's unfortunate, because not everyone I email utilizes the Outlook calendar for scheduling, so they will not bother looking at my schedule (and of course their agenda is not in Outlook), and I have to manually look at mine and write in all my available times. wav preview handler on MS Outlook 365 desktop version on M1 Win11 ARM VM.

I am pretty sure this is a feature that works with Windows, but I have not been able to do this with Mac. Also, I saw on my partner's Mac that he had the side-by-side view with the same Outlook version, and we do not know at all how he did that. I know I can use the scheduling assistant and this would kind of solve the issue, but I shouldn't have to just open that for a better view. When I want to view multiple calendar's at once, I cannot see how to put them side-by-side, even for just 1-3 calendars. Remove the calendar overlay when viewing multiple calendars. Maybe some of them are there and I'm not seeing them if anyone can let me know if it's possible to do the following things, it would be greatly appreciated. To use MAU, start an Office application, such as Word, and then choose Help > Check for Updates. I have more recently needed to use Outlook for work purposes, and I really like it, but I have noticed that there are some features that I think are missing in the new Outlook for Mac. If you dont have the latest build, updates are available from Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU).